Hint: You may need to also search synonyms (e.g. Volkswagen Beetle, VW Beetle, VW Bug)
Using Google Images to find images that may be free to use and/or modify.
- Go to Google Images: http://images.google.com/ and perform a search
- On the results page, click the cog icon to access a menu where you can access the Advanced Search
- Fill in the search box with your search terms
- In the Usage Rights section, change the pull-down menu to one of the reuse choices.
Using Flickr Advanced Search:
- Go to Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/
- Click the Search button without putting anything into the search blank
- Click the Advanced Search link that appears to the right of the search blank underneath the Search button.
- Fill in the search box with your search terms
- In the Creative Commons section towards the bottom of the screen, click
"Only search within Creative Commons-licensed content" and then check
"Find content to modify, adapt, or build upon "
Using Creative Commons:
- Go to Creative Commons search page: http://search.creativecommons.org/
- Fill in the search box with your search terms.
- Below the search box, remove the check mark next to "use for commercial purpose".
Make sure there is a check mark next to "modify, adapt, build upon".
- You will see tabs for search results from Google, Google Images, Flickr, and others