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Scholarly Publishing

Scholarly Publishing

Scholarly Publishing is a subset of scholarly communication and is the more formal, written form of disseminating research and adding to the scholarly record of a discipline. Publishing provides the opportunity to:

  1. Describe research
  2. Evaluate its reliability, reproducibility, and relevance
  3. Disseminate works through multiple channels (articles, books, etc.)
  4. Preserve what has been don for future use
  5. Inspire future research/work
  6. Form or add to the foundational knowledge in a discipline

Faculty publish to share their discoveries and to organize, synthesize, and interpret information for novices in the field. However, other external pressures provide other reasons to publish.

  • Publish or perish - publications are used as part of the promotion/tenure process
  • Prestige for the university - academic institutions can be judged by the publishing records of their faculty/research programs
  • Public access - some funding agencies/grants may required the results to be published/made publicly available

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Metrics and Where to Find Them

The Measuring Research Impact guide provides more information on the metrics associated with evaluating journals, but quick links to the resources are provided here.

Impact Factor - the average number of times articles from the journal published in the last 2 years have been cited in the JCR year. These are found in Journal Citation Reports (JCR).

  • SCImago Journal Rank - number of weighted citations received in the selected year by the articles published in the selected journal in the three previous years – in SCImago web site)
  • Article Influence – average influence of a journal’s articles over the first 5 years of publication. The mean is 1.00. A score >1 indicates above average influence. AI scores can differ depending on the database coverage –
    in JCR and Journal/Author Name Estimator (Jane)
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