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MeSH Subject Headings are a powerful way to search in the databases to find relevant articles. MeSH headings are assigned to articles by the indexers of the databases and are intended to provide a consistent and accurate representation of the aboutness of an article. PubMed provides a MeSH Database to help identify the best terms to use for your search, below are some MeSH terms that could apply to alternative research methods in animal studies:
Biomathematics, biomathematical model
Computer, computer model
Model (animal, cadaver, interactive, mathematical, neurological, statistical, theoretical)
Analgesic, anodyne, antinociceptive, hypnotic, sedative, tranquilizer
Anesthesia, anaesthesia
Animal Husbandry
Analysis, technique, method, procedure
Bed, bedding
Cage, caging, housing
Comfort, handling
Enrichment (behavioral, environmental)
Experimental design
Invasive, non-invasive
Monitoring device
Pain, painful, painless, suffer, aches, stress, welfare, well-being
Physiochemical systems
Positive reinforcement
Postoperative, postsurgery
Restraint, restrict, immobilize
Train, educate, teach, instruct
Algae, fungus, hydra, plant, eukarya, Eukaryote
Amphibian, reptile, fish, cephalopod, insect, invertebrate
Artificial, mannequin, manikin, membrane, organ, organelle
Testing alternative, animal alternative, tissue culture, cell line, cell culture, cell substrate
Artificial intelligence system, AI
Assay, technique, method, procedure
Autopsy, biopsy
Bacteria, microorganism, protozoan, single-celled organism, yeast
Cadaver, carcass
Computer aided instruction, computer assisted instruction, CAI, computer simulation
Culture (cell, tissue, organ)
Digital imaging
Fish, cephalopod
Insect, invertebrate
Isolated (cell, tissue, organ)
Mannequin, manikin
Membrane, organ, organelle, slice, tissue, tissue equivalent
Model (animal, cadaveric, interactive, mathematical, neurological, statistical, theoretical), modelling, modeling
Non-animal model
Replacement, surrogate
Simulation (computer)
Structure - activity relationship
Virtual (surgery, reality)
Vitro (method, model, technique)