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John Sealy School of Medicine
Practice of Medicine - Year 2
Module 7
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Practice of Medicine - Year 2: Module 7
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Module 10 - L34
Module 10 - L35
Module 10 - L36-37
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Module 7 (RFE)
Differential Diagnosis of Common Complaints
Ch 32 Urethral Discharge and Dysuria IN: Differential Diagnosis of Common Complaints
pages 379-390
Ch 33 Vaginal Discharge and Itching IN: Differential Diagnosis of Common Complaints
pages 391-400
Ch 35 Voiding Disorders and IncontinenceIN: Differential Diagnosis of Common Complaints
pages 412-420
Symptom to Diagnosis: An Evidence-based Guide
Ch 4 Acid-Base Abnormalities IN: Symptom to Diagnosis
pages 55-72
Ch 16 Dysuria IN: Symptom to Diagnosis
pages 299-308
Ch 21 Hematuria IN: Symptom to Diagnosis
pages 371-380
Ch 24 Hyponatremia and Hypernatremia IN: Symptom to Diagnosis
pages 405-428
Ch 28 Acute Kidney Injury IN: Symptom to Diagnosis
pages 485-500
Module 6
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