is the premier biomedical database from the National Library of Medicine searchable from 1946 to the present. It provides coverage in the areas of allied health, biological and physical sciences, humanities and information science as they relate to medicine and health care, communication disorders, population biology, and reproductive biology.
Online access to more than 100 medical titles from McGraw Hill. Includes images, illustrations, interactive self-assessment, case files, diagnostic tools, and the ability to download content to a mobile device. offers access to the latest, federally approved HIV/AIDS medical practice guidelines, HIV treatment and prevention clinical trials, and other research information for health care providers, researchers, people affected by HIV/AIDS, and the general public.
The intent of the bibliography is to assist in identifying methods and procedures helpful in supporting the development, testing, application, and validation of alternatives to the use of vertebrates in biomedical research and toxicology testing.
This bibliography is produced from MEDLARS database searches, performed and analyzed by subject experts from the Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Program (TEHIP) of the Specialized Information Services Division (SIS) of the National Library of Medicine (NLM).
Chemical Carcinogenesis Research Information System
Chemical Carcinogenesis Research Information System - carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, tumor promotion, and tumor inhibition data provided by the National Cancer Institute (NCI).
Search platform change coming Monday, April 28, 2025
Covers nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines. Indexes over 650 journal titles, audiovisual materials, computer programs, dissertations, books and book chapters.
Consists of the latest, up-to-date full-text of all reviews and protocols prepared by the Cochrane Collaboration, an international review group dedicated to preparing and maintaining evidenced-based materials on clinical topics.
Aims to provide the total surviving print record of the English speaking world for 227 years (1473-1700). It is the digital version of the popular Early English Books I, Early English Books II, Thomason Tracts, and Early English Books Tract Supplements microfilm collections. The project aims to reproduce all items produced by a printing press (such as books, pamphlets, broadsides) in England and its colonies and any item that was printed anywhere in the world in English between 1473 and 1700. In order to view the PDF documents, you will need the Acrobat Reader plugin from Adobe.
ENTREZ Global Query Cross-Database Search System will allow a user to either enter a search to be run simultaneously against a set of ENTREZ's databases
Bibliographic access and descriptions of tests, manuals, rating scales and other instruments used to assess health and behavior.
HaPI does not offer access to the test instruments themselves, but includes citations to freestanding instruments as well as instruments that have only appeared in journal or technical reports (published and unpublished). Copyright permission is needed to use any of the instruments found in HaPI.
Created specifically for students, knowledgeable consumer health researchers and health care professionals, Health Reference Center Academic integrates tens of millions of articles from a wide range of full-text nursing and allied health journals, magazines, newsletters and select consumer health information sources with full-text reference works and thousands of health-related multimedia assets, all available 24/7 through an intuitive, state-of-the-art platform with daily content updates.
The Health Services Technology/Assessment Texts (HSTAT) is a free, Web-based resource of full-text documents that provide health information and support health care decision making. HSTAT's audience includes health care providers, health service researchers, policy makers, payers, consumers and the information professionals who serve these groups.
A multi-part printed bibliography or list of items in the Library of the Surgeon-General’s Office, U.S. Army. It contains material dated from the 1400s through 1950 and is an important resource for researchers in the history of medicine, history of science, and for clinical research.
Summary risk information on human health effects that could result from exposure to about 540 chemical substances in the environment, compiled by the EPA.
MedlinePlus is the National Library of Medicine's web site for consumer health information. MedlinePlus has extensive information from the National Institutes of Health and other trusted sources on over 650 diseases and conditions.
Spanish language version of MedlinePlus. MedlinePlus is the National Library of Medicine's web site for consumer health information. It provides links to reliable health information for consumers and health professionals. MedlinePlus has extensive information from the National Institutes of Health and other trusted sources on over 650 diseases and conditions.
Updated regularly. Contains bibliographic information and abstracts of health-related articles, reports, surveys, and other resource documents pertaining to the health and health care of American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Canadian First Nations. Provides information for the benefit, use, and education of organizations and individuals with an interest in health-related issues, programs, and initiatives regarding North American indigenous peoples.
Contains a collection of full-text books that can be searched online and that are linked to PubMed records through research paper citations within the text. The collection includes biomedical textbooks, other scientific titles, the NCBI News, and NCBI help manuals.
Contains citations published from 1946 through 1965 in the Cumulated Index Medicus and covers the fields of medicine, preclinical sciences, and allied health sciences. Unlike MEDLINE, this file contains no abstracts nor MeSH heading (MH) field data from NLM's current controlled vocabulary.
It provides coverage in the areas of allied health, biological and physical sciences, humanities and information science as they relate to medicine and health care, communication disorders, population biology, and reproductive biology.
an abstracts and citations database of peer-reviewed literature. It allows for discovery of articles, as well as cited reference searching (number of times an article has been cited). It indexes nearly 23,000 peer-reviewed journals (including open access journals), trade journals, book series, conference proceedings, and pa-tents. Scopus is multidisciplinary, covering life and health sciences, agriculture, environment, engineering, technology, social sciences, landscape architecture, urban planning, and more.
Experiments is a new research solution developed by Springer Nature to connect researchers with the most relevant and important protocols and methods to support their research projects.
We are bringing together the largest available collection of protocols and methods proven to create results, with content from: Nature Methods, Nature Protocols, SpringerProtocols and Protocols Exchange.
contains over 5000 images with text that demonstrate gross and microscopic pathologic findings along with radiologic imaging associated with human disease conditions.
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