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CINAHL Handout


Subject Headings

Subject headings are part of the controlled vocabulary. 

Subject headings have a hierarchical format.

To see the structure, click on the subject heading. 

Narrow terms are listed under the broad subject heading.  

In this example, "Nurses" is a parent term to "Nurses by Educational Level" & "Nurses by Role".  Click the plus to see specifics.  


The term will explode, if available, which means it will pick up more narrow terms that are categorized under this broad term.  

Click on the term to see the narrow terms under the broader term.

Major concept can be used when that term is main idea of the article. 

Major concept is very limiting and will pull a small number of results. 

Use cautiously.  


To add the term to the search box: 

  • Check the terms you want
  • Click "Add to Search" for the term to appear in the search box above
  • Click the X to search for another subject heading


Once a subject heading is selected, the subheadings will drop down.

Subheadings can be used to narrow a topic. 

Subheadings should be used sparingly or not at all.   



Type directly into the search bar to insert a keyword or phrases into your search. 

Keywords/phrases are searched EXACTLY how they are entered.  

Have one concept per search line.

HINT:  Use truncation(*) to pick up different word endings. 

For example: "transplant*" will pick up "transplantation" or "transplants".