Gale Academic OneFile, provides millions of articles from over 17,000 scholarly journals and other authoritative sources and covers everything from art and literature to economics and the sciences. Also included are thousands of podcasts and videos.
Images available from Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine and the books in the Access Medicine package may be used in teaching. Permission must be obtained for commercial use and the creation of derivative works.
Online access to more than 100 medical titles from McGraw Hill. Includes images, illustrations, interactive self-assessment, case files, diagnostic tools, and the ability to download content to a mobile device.
Integrates leading physical therapy textbooks, procedure and exercise videos, image galleries, self-assessment tools, and a unique cadaver dissection tool.
Presents images and database information for over 7,000 advertisements printed in U.S. and Canadian newspapers and magazines between 1911 and 1955. Funded by the Duke Endowment "Library 2000" Fund.
Concentrates on five main subject areas: Radio, Television, Transportation, Beauty and Hygiene, and World War II, providing a coherent view of a number of major campaigns and companies through images preserved in one particular advertising collection available at Duke University.
includes the renowned Aerospace Database and provides full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications. For those researchers who need to conduct comprehensive literature reviews, this database includes specialized, editorially-curated A&I resources for discovery of relevant scholarly research and technical literature critical to the discipline.
This collection was developed with the American Theological Library Association (ATLA) as part of an effort to preserve serials related to African American religious life and culture.
The African American Historical Serials Collection documents the history of African American life and religious organizations from materials published between 1829 and 1922. Includes more than 170 unique titles, approximately 60,000 pages of searchable primary source content, and reports and annuals from African American religious organizations and social service agencies, as well as African American periodicals.
Includes a report which provides the latest data on the 37 key indicators selected by the Forum to portray aspects of the lives of older Americans and their families. It is divided into five subject areas: population, economics, health status, health risks and behaviors, and health care.
(AGRICultural OnLine Access) Updated daily. Contains bibliographic citations with some abstracts covering agriculture, animal husbandry, animal and human nutrition, forestry, plant pathology, plant science, human ecology, agricultural economics and rural sociology. Includes journal articles, books, state extension and experiment station publications and USDA documents.
includes the renowned AGRICOLA, TOXLINE, ESPM (Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management) and Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) databases and provides full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications. This database includes specialized, editorially-curated A&I resources covering such topics as the effects of pollution on people and animals and environmental action and policy responses.
With broad coverage of agriculture and its related fields, this collection provides a comprehensive view of a growing body of knowledge. Researchers will have access to current and authoritative periodical content that spans the industry—from practical aspects of farming to cutting-edge scientific research in horticulture. With strong emphasis on titles covered in the Agricola database, this collection of journal titles is focused on agriculture-related fields.
"ALFRED's focus is on allele frequencies in diverse anthropologically defined populations. It is not a compendium of human DNA polymorphisms but of frequencies of selected polymorphisms with an emphasis on those that have been studied in multiple populations. All of the data in ALFRED are considered to be in the public domain and available for use in research and teaching."
"A growing collection of online public resources integrating extensive gene expression and neuroanatomical data, complete with a novel suite of search and viewing tools." Images and gene expression data are available for the mouse brain and spinal cord, and human and non-human primate brains. Excellent video tutorials provide training in the use of the atlases and the Brain Explorer 2 software.
The intent of the bibliography is to assist in identifying methods and procedures helpful in supporting the development, testing, application, and validation of alternatives to the use of vertebrates in biomedical research and toxicology testing.
This bibliography is produced from MEDLARS database searches, performed and analyzed by subject experts from the Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Program (TEHIP) of the Specialized Information Services Division (SIS) of the National Library of Medicine (NLM).
Updated four times a year. Contains citations with abstracts to social science and humanities literature on all aspects of U.S. and Canadian history, culture and current affairs from prehistoric times to the present. Covers books, book reviews, journals and dissertations. Also reviews films and video projects. The database covers history, interdisciplinary studies of historical interest and history-related topics in the social sciences and humanities.
This body's primary mission is to educate, accredit and inform- 56 poison control centers throughout the United States and two in Canada- to advance public health care in the regions of all the state poison control centers. It contains information on how to request information from the National Poison Data System, a link to the organization's past annual reports.
Updated regularly. Contains 265 films by 334 writers. The collection of feature films, when completed, will hold 1,000 scripts and over 100,000 scenes. Many of the scripts have never been published. Includes detailed indexing on scenes, characters, and people. Supplemental information includes short biographies on the writers and awards given to individual films have been noted.
Users can click "Free Hospital Information" to view location, number of beds, types of services offered, Medicare patient charges and utilization numbers. State and national hospital statistics are also freely available.
Updated monthly. Provides basic bibliographic references to over 700 periodicals in the British Museum's Museum of Mankind Library (incorporating the former Royal Anthropological Institute Library). A browsable list of journal titles and abbreviations is also available.
The International Catalog of Arboviruses Including Certain Other Viruses of Vertebrates is a registry for the benefit of those studying arboviruses. The Subcommittee on Information Exchange (SIE) of the American Committee on Arthropod-Borne Viruses (ACAV) is responsible for the dissemination of all data submitted. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) maintains the Arbovirus Catalog.
The Catalog is meant primarily for the description of those viruses biologically transmitted by arthropods in nature and actually or potentially infectious for humans or domestic animals. The criteria for these qualifications are liberally interpreted.
Viruses which are antigenically related to known arthropod-transmitted viruses or which have other characteristics suggesting that they belong in this category of viruses are accepted for registration. In addition, a limited number of viruses of vertebrates that are not normally transmitted by arthropods, but which may be of particular interest to arbovirologists for a variety of reasons, may be considered for registration.
Updated six times a year. Provides abstracts of the current literature of modern art, photography and design. Covers all aspects of modern and contemporary art, including performance art and installation works, video art, computer and electronic art, body art, graffiti, artists' books, theater arts, crafts, jewelry and illustration, as well as the traditional fine arts of painting, printmaking, sculpture, and drawing. The database corresponds to the print ARTbibliographies Modern.
To find information about an artist, try browse indexes then select the subject/artist index.
Provides access to a digital collection of historical content pertaining to U.S. Hispanic history, literature and culture. Includes historical articles, newspapers, religious pamphlets, broadsides, historical books, letters, short stories, poems, advertisements, and more. The content is in Spanish (80%) and English (20%), and is searchable in both languages. Materials are drawn from the Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage Project.
Comprised of over 1 million digital images of visual material encompassing artistic and historical traditions across many time periods and cultures. Focuses on, but is not limited to, the arts. Includes architecture, painting, sculpture, photography, decorative arts, and design as well as many other forms of visual culture. Designed to be used by researchers in fields that do not traditionally use images as well as by art historians.
Alexander Street's Behavioral and Mental Health Online provides a comprehensive, rich, and diverse collection of video and text for anyone studying or teaching in the area of mental health. Programs in counseling, social work, nursing, psychology and behavioral health will all benefit from the wide variety of content in this collection, which includes clinical mental health demonstrations, actual therapy sessions, compelling documentaries on the human condition, psychotherapy transcripts, as well client narratives and reference works.
The goals of the Drosophila Genome Center are to finish the sequence of the euchromatic genome of Drosophila melanogaster to high quality and to generate and maintain biological annotations of this sequence.
Get rapid evidence-based answers to real-life clinical questions, using a systematic approach to reviewing the literature. BETs take into account the shortcomings of much current evidence.
BiblioMap, the EPPI-Centre database of health promotion research, contains over 14,100 records at present. The studies included in Bibliomap have been compiled over a number of years as a result of searching and coding research for inclusion in systematic reviews at the EPPI-Centre. All studies are coded for specific characteristics of health focus, population group and study type.
Providing coverage of the most searched and studied people, Gale In Context: Biography is built on a foundation of more than 650,000 biographical entries covering international figures from all time periods and areas of study. It offers authoritative reference content alongside, videos, audio selections, images, primary sources, and magazine and journal articles from hundreds of major periodicals and newspapers. Search for people based on name, occupation, nationality, ethnicity, birth/death dates and places, or gender, as well as by keyword and full text. Includes over 4,500 portal pages on contemporary and historical figures. Continuously updated to ensure users have access to the very latest information.
includes the renowned Biological Sciences, MEDLINE, and TOXLINE databases and provides full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications. The database includes specialized, editorially-curated A&I resources providing access to the extensive variety of biology’s cutting edge research, with applications to medicine, technology and the environment.
bioRxiv (pronounced "bio-archive") is a free online archive and distribution service for unpublished preprints in the life sciences. It is operated by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, a not-for-profit research and educational institution.
The complete digital version of the Businessweek backfile with coverage starting at the magazine’s first issue in 1929. Bloomberg Businessweek is a leading business and financial news magazine for both business managers and consumers.
As 0f 9/1/2023 reviews available for: Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner - Acute Care (ANCC and AACN), Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner - Primary Care,
Family Nurse Practitioner (ANCC and AANP)
Board Vitals is not connected to your UTMB credentials. First time users: - Register here. Use your UTMB email address.
Gale Books and Authors, a reader’s advisory database that provides search paths for read-alike books, and multiple booklists from award winners to community and expert picks to make finding a great read much less challenging. Readers can define search parameters and create a search as wide or narrow as they wish, whether browsing by genre, or, with the author search feature, by nationality, ethnicity, and more.
journal reading management application developed by ThirdIron and accessible through the UTMB Moody Medical Library subscription. It allows you to pull together journals you are interested in and access them through an iOS or Android mobile app, or a web interface. It interacts with full text subscriptions from hte Library by providing easy access to our full text content. While Browzine covers most of the major publishers, not all journals are represented. You can also request Browzine add a journal if it is not listed. Browzine maintains a list of current journal requests so you can search a journal, vote for an existing request, or add a request of your own.
Gale OneFile: Business provides full-text coverage of all business disciplines including accounting, economics, finance, marketing, management, and strategy, as well as business theory and practice. Users will understand the activities of companies and industries worldwide through nearly 4,000 leading business and trade publications, updated daily.
With over 460,000 company profiles, including 2,000 with deep links to related content and statistical data, Gale Business Insights: Global provides daily updates to keep up with the ever-changing corporate landscape. Includes: Profiles of every U.N. recognized country including 90+ Economist Intelligence Unit reports; SWOT reports (quarterly updates), GlobalData industry research reports; Plunkett industry reports; market share and business rankings; company histories and chronologies; global company, country, and business topic overviews with quick links; full-text articles; case studies; business executive video interviews; interactive LiveCharts; and more.
Chemical Carcinogenesis Research Information System
Chemical Carcinogenesis Research Information System - carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, tumor promotion, and tumor inhibition data provided by the National Cancer Institute (NCI).
Provides domestic and import vehicle information through the current model year,
updated continuously. Offers repair, maintenance, labor estimating, and bulletin/recall information. Includes ASE test prep quizzes for the most popular certification exams.
gives basic information on the world's countires such as physical geography, governmental forms, economy and finances, climate, demography, and other statistical and objective data.
Alternate Name(s)
Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature
Covers nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines. Indexes over 650 journal titles, audiovisual materials, computer programs, dissertations, books and book chapters.
CiteSeerˣ is an evolving scientific literature digital library and search engine that has focused primarily on the literature in computer and information science. CiteSeerˣ aims to improve the dissemination of scientific literature and to provide improvements in functionality, usability, availability, cost, comprehensiveness, efficiency, and timeliness in the access of scientific and scholarly knowledge.
Rather than creating just another digital library, CiteSeerˣ attempts to provide resources such as algorithms, data, metadata, services, techniques, and software that can be used to promote other digital libraries. CiteSeerˣ has developed new methods and algorithms to index PostScript and PDF research articles on the Web.
Search for images and other multimedia found in materials in the Clinical Key package. The Presentation Maker feature will automatically generate PowerPoint slides with the appropriate citation for the image.
To use images in a poster, publication, or for any other similar use, permission must be requested through the Elsevier Rights Department.
This is a set of three ebook titles from the American Society for Microbiology:
• Cases in Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 4th Edition
• Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook, 4th Edition
• Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 12th Edition
Alternate Name(s)
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, DARE, CENTRAL
Consists of the latest, up-to-date full-text of all reviews and protocols prepared by the Cochrane Collaboration, an international review group dedicated to preparing and maintaining evidenced-based materials on clinical topics.
Gale In Context: College offers interdisciplinary content that reinforces the development of skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, communication, collaboration, creativity, and innovation. Learners can access news content including full-text newspapers and periodicals like The Economist, The New York Times, National Geographic, Newsweek, Popular Science, Smithsonian, and more. Empower learning with hundreds of thousands of images, videos, and audio selections that include archival film clips, broadcast video, BBC News, New York Times video, and NPR.
Gale OneFile: Communications and Mass Media brings together information found in hundreds of journals. Articles cover all aspects of the communications field, including advertising, public relations, linguistics, and literature, meet the needs of researchers.
Gale OneFile: Computer Science provides access to leading business and technical publications in the computer, telecommunications, and electronics industries. The database also includes periodicals and journals with information on computer-related product introductions, news and reviews in areas such as hardware, software, electronics, engineering, communications, and the application of technology.
This database includes journals and magazines covering an enormous range of health subjects, from sports injuries to women's health, from food and nutrition to midwifery, from eye care to dentistry
This database links over 4,000 consumer brands to health effects from MSDS provided by the manufacturers and allows scientists and consumers to research products based on chemical ingredients. Information is from a variety of publicly available sources including brand-specific labels and MSDS provided by manufacturers and manufacturers' web sites. (NIH/NLM)
Gale OneFile: Contemporary Women’s Issues offers comprehensive coverage of issues that influence women’s lives across the globe with access to current full-text and pertinent backfile content. The database covers topics including civil rights, health, education, professional development, and entrepreneurship.
provides the largest and richest online collection of video available for the study of counseling, social work, psychotherapy, psychology, and psychiatric counseling
Gale OneFile: Criminal Justice informs the research process for researchers who are studying law, law enforcement, or terrorism, training for paralegal service, preparing for a career in homeland security, delving into forensic science, investigating crime scenes, developing policy, going to court, writing sociological reports, and much more.
Provides access to academic journals and magazines on all aspects of cooking and nutrition. The database includes thousands of searchable recipes, restaurant reviews, and industry information.
is a collection of standard research methods in the biosciences. They include: step-by-step protocols with annotations that alert you to special considerations,tips, and optional procedures; alternate and support protocols to accommodate different equipment and desired results; materials lists for each protocol; detailed recipes for reagents, solutions, and culture media; expert commentaries with troubleshooting instructions, and planning considerations; tables and figures to clarify complex procedures; and appendices filled with useful reference material. The protocols are browsable by Table of contents or keyword searchable with stemming (truncation) and a subject thesaurus.
Developed by leading scientists in the field, Current Protocols in Cell Biology is an essential reference for researchers who study the relationship between specific molecules and genes and their location, function and structure at the cellular level.
Published in affiliation with the International Society for Analytical CytologyCurrent Protocols in Cytometry is a "best practices" collection that distills and organizes the absolute latest techniques from the top cytometry labs and specialists worldwide. It is the most complete set of peer-reviewed protocols for flow and image cytometry available.
Current Protocols in Immunology provides comprehensive coverage of immunological methods from classic to the most cutting edge, including antibody detection and preparation, assays for functional activities of mouse and human cells involved in immune responses, assays for cytokines and their receptors, isolation and analysis of proteins and peptides, biochemistry of cell activation, molecular immunology, innate immunity, animal models of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, and stem cells.
World events of recent years have underscored the importance of studying bacteria, viruses, fungi and other microorganisms. Current Protocols in Microbiology presents clear methodologies for research in priority areas such as emerging and neglected infectious diseases, biodefense, microbe-host interactions, and host defense.
Current Protocols in Molecular Biology, the first Current Protocols publication, remains the international standard by which all other lab manuals are judged. Basic methods for DNA preparation and isolation, library screening, and sequencing have been joined by more advanced procedures detailing DNA-protein interactions, yeast manipulation, and phosphorylation analyses. From basics to the cutting edge, CPMB is the only resource you need for successful experiments.
is a one-stop resource for finding and adapting the best models and methods for all types of neuroscience experiments.
Updated every three months in all formats, CPNS is constantly evolving to keep pace with the very latest discoveries and developments. A year of these quarterly updates is included
in the initial CPNS purchase price. That's 570 pages of new (60%) and revised (40%) content on average every year since the initial publication of the work in October 1997! Presently three volumes in its looseleaf print version, CPNS...
brings together hundreds of core techniques in all branches of neuroscience
from top scientists around the world.
draws from molecular neurobiology, neurophysiology, neuroanatomy,
neuropharmacology, and behavioral neuroscience.
includes both in vitro and in vivo models, prepared, edited, and tailored
especially for neuroscience research.
Edited by: Charles Gerfen (Bethesda, Maryland); Andrew Holmes (Bethesda, Maryland); Michael Rogawski (Bethesda, Maryland); David Sibley (Bethesda, Maryland); Phil Skolnick (DOV Pharmaceuticals); Susan Wray (Bethesda, Maryland); Past Editor: Jacqueline Crawley; Ron McKay
Current Protocols in Protein Science, developed in response to this revitalized interest, provides the most comprehensive and practical compilation of protein methods available. Coverage includes procedures for the expression, characterization, and purification of recombinant proteins as well as post-translational modification and structural characterization.
Current Protocols in Toxicology is a "best-practices" collection of lab protocols for accurate, efficient assessments of toxicity in whole organisms, organs and tissues, cells, and biochemical pathways.
This Web site provides health information providers and the public with a standard, comprehensive, up-to-date, look-up and download resource of medication content and labeling as found in medication package inserts.
Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology and Environmental Teratology Information Center -DART/ETIC was a bibliographic database on the National Library of Medicine's (NLM) Toxicology Data Network (TOXNET®). It covered teratology and other aspects of developmental and reproductive toxicology. The current page gives a search strategy in PubMed which was used as a filter to create the database.
A curated catalogue of human genomic structural variation. The Database of Genomic Variants provides a useful catalog of control data for studies aiming to correlate genomic variation with phenotypic data.
DDBJ Center collects nucleotide sequence data as a member of INSDC(International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration) and provides freely available nucleotide sequence data and supercomputer system, to support research activities in life science.
The Dietary Supplement Ingredient Database (DSID) provides estimated levels of ingredients in dietary supplement products sold in the United States. These statistically predicted estimates may differ from labeled amounts and are based on chemical analysis of nationally representative products. The DSID was developed by the Methods and Application of Food Composition Laboratory, US Department of Agriculture, in collaboration with the Office of Dietary Supplements at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other federal agencies.
The Dietary Supplement Label Database (DSLD) from the Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) captures all information printed on labels of dietary supplement products sold in the United States.
Provides interactive drawing tools to help visualize and annotate anatomical diagrams and structures. Content includes interactive tutorials, flashcards, videos, and a question bank.
For social science, history, and liberal arts coursework, the Gale OneFile: Diversity Studies explores cultural differences, contributions and influences in the global community. This collection is updated daily.
This collection from the Defense Technical Information Center includes all unclassified, unlimited government- sponsored technical report citations since 1974. Some reports are available full-text online.
Updated quarterly (until completed). Contains early accounts of exploration, discovery, travel, environment, peoples, and cultures in North America. Currently contains 1,076 authors and approximately 83,000 pages of material. When complete the product will include more than 100,000 pages of letters, diaries, memoirs and accounts of early encounters. Particular care has been taken to index the material so that it can be used in new ways. For example, you can identify all encounters between the French and the Huron between 1650 and 1700. The collection is centered on present-day Canada and the United States with some limited coverage of Mexico.
Aims to provide the total surviving print record of the English speaking world for 227 years (1473-1700). It is the digital version of the popular Early English Books I, Early English Books II, Thomason Tracts, and Early English Books Tract Supplements microfilm collections. The project aims to reproduce all items produced by a printing press (such as books, pamphlets, broadsides) in England and its colonies and any item that was printed anywhere in the world in English between 1473 and 1700. In order to view the PDF documents, you will need the Acrobat Reader plugin from Adobe.
includes the renowned Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA), Oceanic Abstracts, and Meteorological & Geoastrophysical Abstracts (MGA). It provides full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications. The database includes specialized, editorially-curated A&I resources studying the critical issues affecting Earth’s air, land, and water environments.
Gale OneFile: Economics and Theory offers instant access to full-text academic journals and magazines—with a strong emphasis on titles covered in the EconLit bibliographic index. Content is useful for starting a business, marketing a product, developing policy, analyzing trends, constructing economic models, investing for the future, researching rates, and more.
Gale OneFile: Educator's Reference Complete is a collection of journals & periodicals that seeks to provide full text for titles in the ERIC database and covers multiple levels of education from preschool to college, and every educational specialty—such as technology, bilingual education, health education, and testing. It also provides insight on issues in administration, funding, and policy.
A safe place for children to find answers to their questions, practice research skills, and explore interests inside and outside the classroom. It also gives teachers access to digital resources that can supplement and enhance in-person and online instruction.
Gale Business: Entrepreneurship is a comprehensive database that covers all aspects of starting and operating a business, including accounting, finance, human resources, management, marketing, tax, and more. The interface is mapped to four key stages of building a business—plan, fund, start, and manage—to fit researchers’ needs at any point in their business’s development.
Gale OneFile: Entrepreneurship is a database providing insights, tips, strategies, and success stories throughout the business world. The database is updated daily and includes access to active, full-text periodicals including: Beverage Industry, Black Enterprise, Economist, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, HR Magazine, Real Estate Weekly, Restaurant Business, Tea & Coffee Trade Journal, and more.
ENTREZ Global Query Cross-Database Search System will allow a user to either enter a search to be run simultaneously against a set of ENTREZ's databases
Gale In Context: Environmental Studies provides users with comprehensive information regarding today’s environmental issues, empowering learners to critically analyze and understand important topics that affect people around the world. The database is updated daily with relevant content integrating case studies, news, reference materials, academic journals, videos, and more on subjects such as climate change, food security, soil ecology, and tourism. ReadSpeaker and on-demand article translation accommodates diverse backgrounds. Citation tools for formatting into MLA, APA, and Chicago style are integrated directly into the user’s workflow and can be easily imported from single or multiple documents to services like EasyBib or NoodleTools.
Gale OneFile: Environmental Studies & Policy is a digital resource that that answers inquiries about environmental concerns from diverse perspectives. The database provides access to scholarly journals, magazines, and other reference materials covering environmental issues. Exclusive features, including Topic Finder, InterLink, and a mobile-optimized interface, support and enhance the search experience.
The Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education, produces the world's premier database of journal and non-journal education literature.
The EGA provides a service for the permanent archiving and distribution of personally identifiable genetic and phenotypic data resulting from biomedical research projects. Data at EGA was collected from individuals whose consent agreements authorise data release only for specific research use to bona fide researchers. Strict protocols govern how information is managed, stored and distributed by the EGA project.
The European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) is an open, supported platform for the management, sharing, integration, archiving and dissemination of sequence data. It provides a comprehensive record of the world’s nucleotide sequencing information, covering raw sequencing data, sequence assembly information and functional annotation.
The European Variation Archive is an open-access database of all types of genetic variation data from all species.All users can download data from any study, or submit their own data to the archive. You can also query all variants in the EVA by study, gene, chromosomal location or dbSNP identifier using our Variant Browser.
offers a database of case law from the U.S. Supreme Court and U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeal, as well as several state supreme courts. First, click on the “Cases and Codes" tab in the upper left of the home page, then click the link to "search for case summaries". Use the drop-down menus to select a court, legal topic, and/or industry. You may also search by date, docket number, and party name. FindLaw also offers a tab where you may perform a full-text search. Continuing down the screen, you may also choose to browse by selecting a court, company, or legal topic. Once you arrive at a result in FindLaw, you will be brought to a screen showing a summary of the case. At the top, right-hand side of the page, you will be able to click “Read” to gain full-text access to the case.
Gale OneFile: Fine Arts is a periodical database that places articles in the hands of serious students of drama, music, art history, and filmmaking. databases such as the Wilson Art Index and the Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM) index are available in full text. Exclusive features, including Topic Finder, InterLink, and a mobile-optimized interface, support and enhance the search experience.
Covers social issues from capital punishment to immigration to marijuana. Informed, differing views help learners develop critical-thinking skills and draw their own conclusions.
Provides contextual information on hundreds of today's most significant science topics. Draws students into the subject matter, showing how scientific disciplines relate to real-world issues, from weather patterns to obesity.
Alternate Name(s)
Health Reference Center Academic
Created specifically for students, knowledgeable consumer health researchers and health care professionals, Health Reference Center Academic integrates tens of millions of articles from a wide range of full-text nursing and allied health journals, magazines, newsletters and select consumer health information sources with full-text reference works and thousands of health-related multimedia assets, all available 24/7 through an intuitive, state-of-the-art platform with daily content updates.
Gale OneFile: Gardening and Horticulture serves horticultural researchers and features articles and reference titles including Handbook of Flowers; Foliage and Creative Design; Computer Graphics for Landscape Architects; and more. Superior search indexing gives users the ability to search by publication date, document type, publication title, publication subject; or by documents with full text, peer-reviewed publications with little to no embargo; documents with images.
Gale OneFile: Gender Studies provides balanced coverage of this significant aspect of culture and society. The database offers access to scholarly journals and magazines covering topics including gender studies, family and marital issues, and more.
GEO is a public functional genomics data repository supporting MIAME-compliant data submissions. Array- and sequence-based data are accepted. Tools are provided to help users query and download experiments and curated gene expression profiles.
Gale’s largest general-interest periodical source, General OneFile allows researchers to find the information they want quickly. With intuitive searching that mirrors Internet searches, users can easily tap into sources that are guaranteed for quality. Most content in Gale General OneFile is full-text with no embargo and recommended by Bowker's Magazines for Libraries and includes reference, newspaper, and audio content that complements the resource's robust collection of magazines and journals.
Citations, some with abstracts or tables of contents, to literature on the ethical, legal, and social implications of genetic and genomic research and its applications from many disciplines and publication types including journals, newspapers, books, bills, laws, court decisions, reports, and audiovisuals.
The Genome Sequence Archive (GSA) is a data repository for archiving raw sequence reads. It accepts data submissions from all over the world and provides free access to all publicly available data for global scientific communities.
The Genomic Observatories Meta-Database (GEOME) is a web-based database that captures the who, what, where, and when of biological samples and associated genetic sequences.
(GENSAT) Is a database that provides the anatomical location of gene expression in the mouse brain using both in situ hybridization and transgenic mouse techniques on histological sections. The GENSAT records contain images that show the relative rates of transcription for each target gene in various regions of the brain.
This server provides access to the program Genscan for predicting the locations and exon-intron structures of genes in genomic sequences from a variety of organisms.
Complete access to the full-text is dependent on copyright.
Google Scholar enables you to search specifically for scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports from all broad areas of research. Use Google Scholar to find articles from a wide variety of academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories and universities, as well as scholarly articles available across the web.
Just as with Google Web Search, Google Scholar orders your search results by how relevant they are to your query, so the most useful references should appear at the top of the page. This relevance ranking takes into account the full text of each article as well as the article's author, the publication in which the article appeared and how often it has been cited in scholarly literature. Google Scholar also automatically analyzes and extracts citations and presents them as separate results, even if the documents they refer to are not online. This means your search results may include citations of older works and seminal articles that appear only in books or other offline publications.
A multidisciplinary encyclopedia of Texas history, geography, and culture sponsored by the Texas State Historical Association and the General Libraries at UT Austin.
HCUPnet is a free, on-line query system based on data from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). It provides access to health statistics and information on hospital inpatient and emergency department utilization.
A digital library that provides freely accessible digital teaching resources of the highest quality that meet the needs of today's health sciences educators and learners.
Bibliographic access and descriptions of tests, manuals, rating scales and other instruments used to assess health and behavior.
HaPI does not offer access to the test instruments themselves, but includes citations to freestanding instruments as well as instruments that have only appeared in journal or technical reports (published and unpublished). Copyright permission is needed to use any of the instruments found in HaPI.
Gale Health and Wellness is a comprehensive consumer health database offering access to authoritative information on the full range of health-related issues, from current disease and disorder information to in-depth coverage of alternative medical practices. Features include topic portals with curated content on diseases and conditions; drugs; diagnostics and tests; and therapies, treatments, and surgeries; as well as a broad collection of premier full-text reference works, including Gale exclusives such as The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, The Gale Encyclopedia of Surgery and Medical Tests, and The Gale Encyclopedia of Diets.
Includes: Consumer Health Database, Health & Medical Collection, Healthcare Administration Database, Medline, Nursing & Allied Health Database, Psychology Database, and Public Health Database
In the medical field, access to the latest health care information is always essential, whether it's for students, researchers, medical professionals, hospital administrators, or even for patients and their families. This database addresses these diverse needs by offering a central access point to a variety of essential content.
Gale In Context: High School offers cross-curricular content that supports national and state curriculum standards that reinforces the development of skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, communication, collaboration, creativity, and innovation. With daily-updated integrated reference content, biographies, primary sources, multimedia, critical essays, news, and academic journals, content comes together to provide background and guidance on topics within business and economics, geography, government, history, literature, science and health, social issues, and more.
Gale OneFile: High School Edition provides access to age-appropriate, authoritative digital content for classroom assignments. Learners can research magazines, journals, newspapers, and reference books covering a wide range of subjects, from science, history, and literature to political science, sports, and environmental studies.
Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1789-1963 or use the U.S. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Chronicling America is sponsored jointly by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress.
Updated three - six times a year. Contains citations and abstracts of worldwide literature (excluding the United States and Canada) from approximately 2,100 journals and since 1980, books and dissertations on political, diplomatic, economic, social, cultural and intellectual history and related areas of the social sciences and humanities. Covers history dating from 1450 to the present. offers access to the latest, federally approved HIV/AIDS medical practice guidelines, HIV treatment and prevention clinical trials, and other research information for health care providers, researchers, people affected by HIV/AIDS, and the general public.
Gale OneFile: Home Improvement puts the research of hobbyists and professionals alike on a solid foundation with articles and home improvement-focused titles covering topics including architectural techniques, tool and material selection, zoning requirements, and others.
Gale OneFile: Hospitality and Tourism provides access to scholarly journals, magazines, and trade publications that cover topics including the cultural and economic aspects of travel and tourism. The database offers current and relevant content that provides well-rounded coverage of both the historical and current state of affairs in the hospitality and tourism industries as well as a wealth of information on state parks and information, planning a vacation, and full-text travel guides from Fodor's.
Houston Chronicle articles from 10/29/1985 to the present. Digital image edition available from 10/24/2017 to present. Also included is the Texas Newspaper collection, America's News, Special Reports & Hot Topics from around the nation.
The Health Services Technology/Assessment Texts (HSTAT) is a free, Web-based resource of full-text documents that provide health information and support health care decision making. HSTAT's audience includes health care providers, health service researchers, policy makers, payers, consumers and the information professionals who serve these groups.
Provides full-text access to IEEE and IEE journals, conference proceedings, and current IEEE standards covering electrical and computer engineering, electronics, computer science, and physics
International Labour Organization Bureau of Statistics
A database on labour statistics operated by the International Labour Organization Bureau of Statistics, a United Nations specialized agency which seeks the promotion of social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights. Includes statistics of employment, unemployment, hours of work, wages, labour cost, consumer price indices, occupational injuries, strikes and lockouts and economically active population estimates and projections. Dates vary on statistic coverage.
This system provides access to the nearly 60,000 images in the prints and photograph collection of the History of Medicine Division (HMD) of the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM). The collection includes portraits, pictures of institutions, caricatures, genre scenes, and graphic art in a variety of media, illustrating the social and historical aspects of medicine.
A multi-part printed bibliography or list of items in the Library of the Surgeon-General’s Office, U.S. Army. It contains material dated from the 1400s through 1950 and is an important resource for researchers in the history of medicine, history of science, and for clinical research.
Gale OneFile: Information Science is a database curated for library science students and information science and technology professionals. The database is updated daily with articles covering all aspects of managing and maintaining information and technology, including usability, cataloging, circulation, business information, and more.
Gale OneFile: Informe Académico meets the research needs of Spanish-speaking users with a wide range of full-text Spanish- and Portuguese-language scholarly journals and magazines both from and about Latin America. The database provides quality reference material—not not simply translations of English-language materials—on a powerful, easy-to-use interface configured for Spanish-speaking users, allowing researchers to analyze topics and conduct research in Spanish.
links to Web sites which provide instructions to authors for over 6,000 journals in the health and life sciences. All links are to "primary sources" - that is, to publishers and organizations with editorial responsibilities for the titles.
Gale OneFile: Insurance and Liability provides access to updated articles from leading journals, including Business Insurance, Claims, Employee Benefit News, National Underwriter Life & Health, Pensions & Investments, Risk Management, and more.
Electronic theses and dissertations from participants in the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Disserations, an international organization dedicated to promoting the adoption, creation, use, dissemination and preservation of electronic analogues to the traditional paper-based theses and dissertations. See NDLTD for more information and member list.
Upated regularly. A database of the names and associated basic bibliographical details of all seed plants. A product of collaboration between The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, The Harvard University Herbaria, and the Australian National Herbarium.
an integrated database of predictive protein "signatures" used for the classification and automatic annotation of proteins and genomes. InterPro classifies sequences at superfamily, family and subfamily levels, predicting the occurrence of functional domains, repeats and important sites. InterPro adds in-depth annotation, including GO terms, to the protein signatures.
Summary risk information on human health effects that could result from exposure to about 540 chemical substances in the environment, compiled by the EPA.
Have you recently written a paper, but you're not sure to which journal you should submit it? Or maybe you want to find relevant articles to cite in your paper? Or are you an editor, and do you need to find reviewers for a particular paper? Jane can help!
Just enter the title and/or abstract of the paper in the box, and click on 'Find journals', 'Find authors' or 'Find Articles'. Jane will then compare your document to millions of documents in Medline to find the best matching journals, authors or articles.
JoVE Biology publishes standard techniques and novel experimental approaches in the fields of cellular, molecular, and organismal biology aimed at understanding the functions of life and living organisms.
Includes the complete backfile for over 200 scholarly journals, including major titles from all subject disciplines. Fields include population studies, mathematics, finance & education with dates beginning in the 19th Century.
offers cases from the U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeal, and U.S. District Courts. Additionally, you may find links to many state supreme court and intermediate court of appeal cases. To locate a case of interest, enter a keyword into the search box and use the drop-down menu to choose a jurisdiction, or simply click on a hyperlinked jurisdiction, choose a court and date, and then browse through a list of cases.
an integrated database resource consisting of 16 main databases, broadly categorized into systems information, genomic information, and chemical information.
Geared to the healthcare practitioner and nursing mother, LactMed contains over 450 drug records. It includes information such as maternal levels in breast milk, infant levels in blood, potential effects in breastfeeding infants and on lactation itself, the American Academy of Pediatrics category indicating the level of compatibility of the drug with breastfeeding, and alternate drugs to consider. References are included, as is nomenclature information, such as the drug’s Chemical Abstract Service’s (CAS) Registry number and its broad drug class.
LactMed was developed by pharmacist who is an expert in this subject area. Three other recognized authorities serve as the database’s scientific review panel. Ancillary resources, such as a glossary of terms related to drugs and lactation, and breastfeeding links are also offered. As a work in progress, LactMed will continue to expand with additional drugs and be enhanced with other substances, such as industrial chemicals and radiation.
Gale OneFile: Leadership and Management provides access to authoritative periodical content covering topics such as 21st-century skills, organizational dynamics and leadership, adult learning and continuing education, and more. Updated daily, this resource is useful for researchers or any professional interested in career development.
Leagle, Inc. is a leading provider of copies of primary caselaw from all Federal courts and all State higher courts. Our collection is up to date within 24 hours of release of opinions from the courts and is also complete historically for all time for Federal courts and back to 1950 for state appellate and supreme courts. We add Slip Opinions daily, and Advance Sheets and Bound Volume copies as they become available. Our materials are fully copyrighted by Leagle, Inc.
Thousands of legal forms available with more forms being added daily. Official, State Specific, Federal, Business, Personal, Real Estate and General forms covering hundreds of legal subjects and issues.
Warning: Public users should consult an attorney in your state for serious legal matters.
Bibliographic index of literature on health sciences, published in Latin America and the Caribbean since 1982. It is a cooperative product of the VHL Network, which currently indexes articles from more than 900 magazine titles from 19 countries of Latin America and Caribbean. LILACS also indexes other types of scientific and technical literature such as theses, monographs, books and book chapters. papers presented at congresses or conferences, reports, government publications and regional international organizations. LILACS is integrated in the search of the Regional VHL. Learn more about LILACS at the LILACS Portal.
provides a complete and up-to-date compilation of immunological and biological reagents and who sells them. Sources for antibodies, assays, cytokines, enzymes, recombinant proteins, tissues, and organs are included.
Gale Literature is an integrated (cross-search)research experience that brings together Gale’s premier literary databases. The cross-search allows researchers of all levels to find a starting point, search across a wide array of materials and points in time, and discover new ways to analyze information.
Gale Literature Resource Center provides researchers with unbounding literary resources to support their own literary responses, literary analysis, and thesis statements through a diversity of scholars and critics that ensure all views and interpretations are represented. The database features primary works in a variety of genres, up-to-date analysis, biographical information, overviews, full-text literary criticism, and reviews that encourage interdisciplinary approaches, information literacy, and the development of critical thinking skills.
Gale Literature: LitFinder provides access to a wealth of literary works and secondary-source materials covering world literature and authors throughout history, including full-text poems and poetry citations, short stories, inaugural presidential speeches, and plays. LitFinder also contains biographies, work summaries, photographs, and a glossary. Researchers can quickly search for a particular author or identify authors linked by qualities such as gender, nationality, century, and genre using person search. Works search functions similarly, giving users the ability to browse works by thousands of subjects, themes, genres, and literary movements.
LiverTox® provides up-to-date, unbiased and easily accessed information on the diagnosis, cause, frequency, clinical patterns and management of liver injury attributable to prescription and nonprescription medications and selected herbal and dietary supplements. The LiverTox site is meant as a resource for both physicians and patients as well as for clinical academicians and researchers who specialize in idiosyncratic drug induced hepatotoxicity. Produced by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
Interactive online access via to over 50 textbooks on core/fundamental topics, plus procedural videos, images, real-life case studies, and quiz banks for medical and health science students and practitioners. Includes Bates' Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 12e, and Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 8e.
The Materials Science & Engineering Database includes the renowned METADEX, Copper and Polymer Library databases and provides full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings and government publications. For those researchers who need to conduct comprehensive literature reviews, this database includes specialized, editorially-curated A&I resources for discovery of relevant scholarly research and technical literature critical to the discipline.
MedEdPORTAL Publications promotes educational scholarship and collaboration by facilitating the open exchange of peer-reviewed health education teaching and assessment resources.
MedEdPORTAL Publications is a free publication service provided by the Association of American Medical Colleges in partnership with the American Dental Education Association. MedEdPORTAL Publications maintains a rigorous peer review process based on standards used in the scholarly publishing community. Each submission is scrutinized by editorial staff and independent reviewers using a standardized review instrument grounded in the tenets of scholarship. Published authors receive a formal citation for their accepted publication. MedEdPORTAL publications are considered by many to be scholarly works that may support faculty advancement decisions.
A complete and in-depth eBook collection, MEDICINEnetBASE put authoritative and practical references on topics ranging from cardiology and clinical neuroscience to dermatology and gastroenterology in the armamentarium of the clinicians who need them on a daily basis. The resources cover the science behind the latest development and their practical application as well as future trends in treatment and diagnosis. Access is from 2011 to 2014.
is the premier biomedical database from the National Library of Medicine searchable from 1946 to the present. It provides coverage in the areas of allied health, biological and physical sciences, humanities and information science as they relate to medicine and health care, communication disorders, population biology, and reproductive biology.
MEDLINE® is a bibliographic database produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine. The database contains millions of citations, derived from thousands of biomedical and life science journals, and indexed with Medical Subject Headings (MeSH®) from the NLM controlled vocabulary. Extending back to 1946, annual input now exceeds 700,000 citations.
MedlinePlus is the National Library of Medicine's web site for consumer health information. MedlinePlus has extensive information from the National Institutes of Health and other trusted sources on over 650 diseases and conditions.
Spanish language version of MedlinePlus. MedlinePlus is the National Library of Medicine's web site for consumer health information. It provides links to reliable health information for consumers and health professionals. MedlinePlus has extensive information from the National Institutes of Health and other trusted sources on over 650 diseases and conditions.
medRxiv (pronounced "med-archive") is a free online archive and distribution server for complete but unpublished manuscripts (preprints) in the medical, clinical, and related health sciences. Preprints are preliminary reports of work that have not been certified by peer review.
Created specifically for middle school students, Gale In Context: Middle School combines the best of Gale's reference content with age-appropriate videos, newspapers, magazines, primary sources, and much more. Categories cover a range of the most-studied topics including cultures, government, people, U.S. and world history, literature, and many more.
Military and Intelligence provides military personnel with access to scholarly journals, magazines, and reports covering all aspects of the past and present military affairs. This resource contains content supporting key subject areas including governmental policies, the socioeconomic effects of war, and the structure of armed forces.
covers topics across all government and military branches, including international relations, political science, criminology, defense, aeronautics and space flight, communications, civil engineering, and more. An important benefit of the Military Database is its content diversity. Included are scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, government publications, and more.
The microRNA database (miRBase databas)e is a searchable database of published miRNA sequences and annotation. Each entry in the miRBase Sequence database represents a predicted hairpin portion of a miRNA transcript (termed mir in the database), with information on the location and sequence of the mature miRNA sequence (termed miR). Both hairpin and mature sequences are available for searching and browsing, and entries can also be retrieved by name, keyword, references and annotation.
(from University of Pittsburgh Health Sciences Library) provides quick access to the major bioinformatics databases, software tools, and related literature on the Web, in addition to HSLS-supported license-based resources. Each resource tab provides a federated search of a different pool of resources. Some resources will restrict access to authorized Pitt & UPMC users.
the international database resource for the laboratory mouse, providing integrated genetic, genomic, and biological data to facilitate the study of human health and disease.
National Geographic Kids includes the complete run of the Kids magazine from 2009 to the present, as well as books, videos, and images. High-quality informational texts are available for primary, upper elementary, and middle school English Language Arts, social studies, and science classrooms. Also a great resource to supporting Teaching & Education programs at the university level.
Updated regularly. Contains bibliographic information and abstracts of health-related articles, reports, surveys, and other resource documents pertaining to the health and health care of American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Canadian First Nations. Provides information for the benefit, use, and education of organizations and individuals with an interest in health-related issues, programs, and initiatives regarding North American indigenous peoples.
includes the Agri & Env, Bio Science, and Earth, Atmospheric & Aqua Databases and provides full-text titles from around the world including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, government publications and more. For researchers who need to conduct comprehensive literature reviews, this database includes specialized, editorial-controlled A&I resources for discovery of relevant scholarly research and technical literature critical to the discipline.
an online journal publishing high-quality, citable, peer-reviewed protocols from the leading laboratories in all fields of biological and biomedical science.
Contains a collection of full-text books that can be searched online and that are linked to PubMed records through research paper citations within the text. The collection includes biomedical textbooks, other scientific titles, the NCBI News, and NCBI help manuals.
database of protein domains represented by sequence alignments and profiles for protein domains conserved in molecular evolution. It also includes alignments of the domains to known three-dimensional protein structures in the MMDB database. The source databases for Conserved Domains are Pfam, Smart, and COG
Database of Genotypes and Phenotypes) provides the results of studies that have investigated the interaction of genotype and phenotype including genome-wide association studies, medical sequencing, molecular diagnostic assays, as well as association between genotype and non-clinical traits.
A public-domain archive for a broad collection of simple genetic polymorphisms. This collection of polymorphisms includes single-base nucleotide substitutions (also known as single nucleotide polymorphisms or SNPs), small-scale multi-base deletions or insertions (also called deletion insertion polymorphisms or DIPs), and retroposable element insertions and microsatellite repeat variations (also called short tandem repeats or STRs). Each dbSNP entry includes the sequence context of the polymorphism (i.e., the surrounding sequence), the occurrence frequency of the polymorphism (by population or individual), and the experimental method(s), protocols, and conditions used to assay the variation.
contains information about large-scale genomic variation, including large insertions, deletions, translocations and inversions. dbVar also provides associations of defined variants with phenotype information.
contains sequence records from the bulk EST (Expressed Sequence Tag) division of GenBank. These are typically short single-pass reads from cDNA libraries often generated as large survey project. Data from EST can be used to catalog expressed genes for a particular organ, tissue or cell type or general for a species, and compare expression levels of genes in various library sources
a searchable database of genes, focusing on genomes that have been completely sequenced and that have an active research community to contribute gene-specific data. Information in Gene records includes nomenclature, chromosomal localization, gene products and their attributes (e.g., protein interactions), associated markers, phenotypes, interactions, and links to citations, sequences, variation details, maps, expression reports, homologs, protein domain content, and external databases.
contains sequence and map data from the whole genomes of over 1000 species or strains. The genomes represent both completely sequenced genomes and those with sequencing in-progress. All three main domains of life (bacteria, archaea, and eukaryota) are represented, as well as many viruses, phages, viroids, plasmids, and organelles.
stores curated gene expression and molecular abundance data sets assembled by NCBI from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) repository of microarray data.
is a database that stores individual gene expression and molecular abundance profiles assembled from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) repository of microarray data.
database contains sequence records from the bulk GSS (Genome Survey Sequence) division of GenBank. These are the genomic equivalent of EST records; short single pass reads from gDNA libraries. Insert end and other reads from BAC and other large insert genomic libraries used to identify and assemble candidates for genome sequencing are common examples of GSS records.
The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information. Access all NCBI resources from this page.
contains automatically generated sets of homologous genes and their corresponding mRNA, genomic, and protein sequence data from selected eukaryotic organisms. Potential homologs from other organisms are included through sequence similarity to UniGene clusters.
The Nucleotide database is a collection of sequences from several sources, including GenBank, RefSeq, TPA and PDB. Genome, gene and transcript sequence data provide the foundation for biomedical research and discovery.
contains related nucleotide sequences that originate from comparative studies: phylogenetic, population, environmental (ecosystem), and mutational. Each record in the database is a set of nucleotide sequences representing the same molecule from the same species (population, mutation), different identifiable species (phylogenetic), or anonymous species from the same biological community (ecosystem).
The Protein database is a collection of sequences from several sources, including translations from annotated coding regions in GenBank, RefSeq and TPA, as well as records from SwissProt, PIR, PRF, and PDB. Protein sequences are the fundamental determinants of biological structure and function.
a collection of related protein sequences (clusters) consisting of Reference Sequence proteins that are encoded by complete prokaryotic genomes as well those encoded eukaryotic organelle plasmids and genomes. The database provides easy access to annotation information, publications, domains, structures, external links, and analysis tools.
a database that contains bioactivity screens of chemical substances described in PubChem Substance. It provides searchable descriptions of each bioassay, including descriptions of the conditions and readouts specific to that screening procedure.
contains unique, validated chemical structures (small molecules) that can be searched using names, synonyms or keywords. The compound records may link to more than one PubChem Substance record if different depositors supplied the same structure. Structures in PubChem Compounds are pre-clustered and cross-referenced by identity and similarity groups. Additionally, calculated properties and descriptors are available for searching and filtering of chemical structures. Compound records are linked to related PubChem Substance Records, PubMed citations, protein 3D structures, and biological screening results that are available in PubChem BioAssay.
contains information on chemical substances including mixtures electronically submitted to PubChem by depositors. This includes any chemical structure information submitted, as well as chemical names, comments, and links to the depositor's web site.
database is a central repository for single nucleotide polymorphisms, microsatellites, and small-scale insertions and deletions. Both submitted SNPs and NCBI-produced non-redundant reference records (RefSNPs) that cluster reports of the same polymorphism from different sources are available. SNP also contains population-specific frequency and genotype data, experimental conditions, molecular context, and mapping information for both neutral polymorphisms and clinical mutations.
contains sequencing data from the next generation sequencing platforms. SRA accepts and presents data from all current next-generation sequencing platforms including 454 (Roche), Illumina, SOLiD (Applied Biosystems), HeliScope, and Complete Genomics. Data can include sequence, quality scores, color values, and intensity graphs depending on the platform involved.
The Structure or Molecular Modeling Database (MMDB) contains experimental data from crystallographic and NMR structure determinations. The data for MMDB are obtained from the Protein Data Bank (PDB). Structure records link to bibliographic information, the sequence databases, and to the NCBI taxonomy. Cn3D, the NCBI 3D structure viewer, allows for easy interactive visualization of molecular structures from Entrez.
database contains the names and phylogenetic lineages of the more than 160,000 organisms that have molecular data in the NCBI databases. New taxa are added to the Taxonomy database as data are deposited for them. The taxonomy records include links to all molecular data for the organism or group as well as links to outside classification resources. The taxonomy provides the major controlled vocabulary for classifying molecular data across the Entrez system.
a service that allows searching for structural neighbors starting with a set of 3D-coordinates specified by the user. This service is meant to be used with newly determined protein structures that are not yet part of MMDB. Structure neighbors for proteins already in MMDB have been pre-computed and can simply be looked up from MMDB's Structure summary pages.
This tool will take a DNA sequence and find the large, non-overlapping open reading frames using the E.coli genetic code and the sites for all Type II and commercially available Type III restriction enzymes that cut the sequence just once.
Updated annually. Includes all the articles published since the first issue of the paper in 1851. Provides full text and full image articles with digital reproductions of every page, every article and every issue in PDF format. In addition to news stories, includes editorials, letters to the editor, obituaries, birth and marriage announcements, photos, and advertisements.
Gale OneFile: News is a full-text newspaper resource providing access to major U.S. regional, local, and national newspapers, as well as leading titles from around the world. It also includes thousands of images, radio and TV broadcasts and transcripts.
Access thousands of newspapers and magazines, including the Houston Chronical, and Galveston Daily News. Major newspapers from Texas and across the country are available.
Provides access to full-text news, business, and legal publications, using a variety of flexible search options.
Access over 15,000 news, business, and legal sources. The outstanding news coverage includes deep archives and up-to-the-minute stories in national and regional newspapers, wire services, broadcast transcripts, international news, and non-English language sources. Use the included Company Dossier module to retrieve detailed company information and financial performance measures or identify and compare companies matching specific criteria. This product also provides access to the renowned Shepard's Citations® service for all federal and states court cases back to 1789.
The Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT) Website provides a central point of access to reports, data, and analyses of NIH research. See brochure
Updated quarterly (until completed). Provides a view of what it meant to immigrate to America and Canada between 1800 and 1950. When completed, will include more than 100,000 pages of personal narratives including letters, diaries, pamphlets, autobiographies, and oral histories. Currently contains 342 authors and approximately 37,500 pages of information.
Updated quarterly (until completed). Includes diaries, journals, and letters written by women visiting or living in North America between the years 1700 and 1950. When complete, the database will be the largest collection of women's diaries and correspondence ever assembled and include the personal experiences of 1,500 women from all classes and walks of life.
National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature
The National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature (NRCBL), is a specialized collection of books, journals, newspaper articles, legal materials, regulations, codes, government publications, and other relevant documents concerned with issues in biomedical and professional ethics.
Gale OneFile: Nursing and Allied Health provides access to authoritative content including full-text titles cited in CINAHL supporting specialized care, treatment, and patient management. This essential resource is versatile and features highlighting and note-taking tools as well as an intuitive interface, providing multiple pathways to key information.
This database offers reliable, comprehensive coverage of the fields of nursing and allied health including journals, video, dissertations, reference books and more.
Contains citations published from 1946 through 1965 in the Cumulated Index Medicus and covers the fields of medicine, preclinical sciences, and allied health sciences. Unlike MEDLINE, this file contains no abstracts nor MeSH heading (MH) field data from NLM's current controlled vocabulary.
is a database of genes, inherited disorders and traits in animal species (other than human and mouse). The database contains textual information and references, as well as links to relevant records from OMIM, PubMed, and Gene.
OMIM ® , Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man ® . OMIM is a comprehensive, authoritative, and timely compendium of human genes and genetic phenotypes. The full-text, referenced overviews in OMIM contain information on all known mendelian disorders and over 12,000 genes. OMIM focuses on the relationship between phenotype and genotype. It is updated daily, and the entries contain copious links to other genetics resources.
searchable database and single focal point of up-to-date information concerning funders' policies and their requirements on open access, publication and data archiving. This tool replaced Sherpa Romeo and Sherpa Juliet.
The Electronic Orange Book is updated daily as new generic approvals occur to provide timely consumer information on generic drugs. identifies drug products approved on the basis of safety and effectiveness by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act) and related patent and exclusivity information.
PAHO is the specialized international health agency for the Americas. The member countries fight communicable and noncommunicable diseases and their causes, to strengthen health systems, and to respond to emergencies and disasters. PAHO is committed to ensuring that all people have access to the health care they need, when they need it, with quality and without fear of falling into poverty.
Covers issues in the public debate through selective coverage of a wide variety of international sources including journal articles, books, government documents, statistical directories, grey literature, research reports, conference papers, web content, and more. PAIS International is the current file covering 1972 to present, and PAIS Archive includes the content from printed volumes published 1915-1976.
Protein ANalysis THrough Evolutionary Relationships
Analyze files with PANTHER (Protein ANalysis THrough Evolutionary Relationships) and map lists to molecular function and biological process categories, as well as biological pathways.
Visualizes pathways (KEGG, GenMAPP, BioCarta...) with the possibility to display quantitative data from gene and protein experiments directly within the pathways.
PEDro is the Physiotherapy Evidence Database. PEDro is a free database of over 20,000 randomized trials, systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy.
Represents the largest collection of electronic texts in philosophy and related topics in the world. Access includes following databases: Anselm: Opera Omnia, The Collected Works of St. Thomas Aquinas, The Complete Works of Aristotle, Revised Oxford Translation, edited by Jonathan Barnes, published by Princeton University Press, 1984, The Works of George Berkeley, British Philosophy 1600-1900, Works of John Calvin, The Collected Works of John Dewey, 1882-1953, The Complete Works and Selected Correspondence of David Hume, Immanuel Kant: Hauptwerke, Kierkegaard: Samlede V?er, The Philosophical Works and Selected Correspondence of John Locke, Sermons of Martin Luther, Nietzsches Werke: Historich-kritische Ausgabe, William of Ockham: The Work of Ninety Days, Oxford Classical Dictionary, The Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, The Collected Dialogues of Plato, Political Philosophy: Machiavelli to Mill, The Continental Rationalists : René Descartes, Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, Benedict de Spinoza, The Works of George Santayana, The Complete Works and Select Correspondence of Henry Sidgwick, and Ludwig Wittgenstein: Published Works.
Gale OneFile: Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine provides access to academic journals and magazines covering the fields of physical therapy, physical fitness, and sports medicine. The database offers a wide spectrum of information, including proven treatment techniques, experimental research, and more.
This utility allows you to start with the unique identifier for an article that is in PMC (PubMed Central) in order to find additional unique identifiers that may apply to the article, such as:
PMID (from PubMed)
PMCID (from PMC)
Manuscript ID (from a manuscript submission system, e.g., NIHMS, Europe PMC, PMC Canada)
DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
Note that not every article will have all of these identifiers. A Manuscript ID will be available for an article that was added to PMC via the NIHMS or similar submission system. A DOI will be available if the article was assigned a DOI by its publisher.
If you look up an ID for an article that is not in PMC, you will receive an "Identifier not found in PMC" message.
Gale OneFile: Popular Culture Studies provides access to scholarly journals and magazines that both analyze and contribute to popular culture. The database offers useful information for researchers in social science, history, art or liberal arts courses.
Gale OneFile: Popular Magazines provides access to the most searched magazines across the OneFile products. All of the titles are selected based on actual publication searches performed by library patrons and the database includes many titles recommended by Bowker's "Magazines for Libraries."
gateway to rare, historical, and primary source materials from or about Texas. Contains archives of newspapers in addition to general archival materials for Texas.
Updated monthly. A bibliographic database of over 200,000 citations to the nonhuman primate literature. Covers all literature that significantly mentions nonhuman primates; journals, books, book chapters, meeting abstracts, newsletters, government documents, and some web sites.
The PrimateLit database is no longer being updated as of November 30, 2010. It was supported by Grant RR15311 from the National Center for Research Resources, National Institutes of Health. The database is a collaborative project of the Wisconsin Primate Research Center (Grant RR00167), the Washington National Primate Research Center (Grant RR00166) and the University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries.
PROSITE consists of documentation entries describing protein domains, families and functional sites as well as associated patterns and profiles to identify them
PsycARTICLES® is a database of full-text articles from journals published by the American Psychological Association, the APA Educational Publishing Foundation, the Canadian Psychological Association, and Hogrefe Publishing Group.
Gale OneFile: Psychology provides access to authoritative periodical content supporting research in all fields of psychology— abnormal, biological, cognitive, comparative, developmental, personality, quantitative, social and all areas of applied psychology. Researchers, psychologists, counselors, and behavioral scientists will discover relevant information from the thoughts, views, discoveries, and reports found in this comprehensive collection.
This database provides abstracts and indexing for key Psychology titles, many which are available in full text. Many titles are indexed in PsycINFO. Coverage ranges from behavioral, clinical, cognitive, developmental, experimental, industrial and social psychology, along with personality, psychobiology and psychometrics.
PubChem provides information on the biological activities of small molecules. It now includes the Hazardous Substances Data Bank (HSDB). It is a component of NIH's Molecular Libraries Roadmap Initiative.
It provides coverage in the areas of allied health, biological and physical sciences, humanities and information science as they relate to medicine and health care, communication disorders, population biology, and reproductive biology.
Updated regularly. An electronic research resource that is maintained by Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI), Honor Society of Nursing. It contains information and abstracts from over 17,300 studies.
Gale OneFile: Religion and Philosophy is a comprehensive collection of periodical content covering topics across a wide range of philosophies and religions. Researchers will gain valuable insight about the impact religion has had on culture throughout history, including literature, arts, and language. Updated daily, this library resource supports a broad range of topics from theological approaches to social issues.
Comprehensive funding information for NIH grants and contracts is now available online through the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tool Expenditures and Results, or RePORTER.
Like its predecessor CRISP—NIH’s now retired database of funded projects—RePORTER allows users to locate and view NIH awards using their own search criteria. RePORTER combines NIH project databases and funding records, PubMed abstracts, full-text articles from PubMed Central, and information from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office with a robust search engine—giving users access to detailed budget information, as well as research results and products, including patents and publications.
Data from 1985 through to the present—including the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009—are available and searchable according to user interest. User-defined searches allow the public to refine, export, and analyze results and provide insights into NIH spending, as well as research results across NIH-funded projects, institutions, investigators or scientific concepts.
A professional network for scientists and researchers, with over 1.4 million users. Our online literature search provides researchers with more than 10 million full texts freely downloadable from our site, the majority sourced from partnerships with open access databases and the remaining having been uploaded by the authors themselves. The extensive database also provides researchers with access to approximately 45 million abstracts pulled from 7 of the largest databases (including PubMed, IEEE, and CiteSeer).
A research methods tool created to help researchers, faculty and students with their research projects. SAGE Research Methods links over 175,000 pages of SAGE’s renowned book, journal and reference content with truly advanced search and discovery tools. Researchers can explore methods concepts to help them design research projects, understand particular methods or identify a new method, conduct their research, and write up their findings.
Integrating millions of full-text articles that include national and global publications, 200+ science experiments, 300+ interactive simulations, other multimedia, and top reference content, Science (Gale in Context) is updated daily and offers over 600 pages on topics across the curriculum, covering biology, chemistry, earth and environmental science, physics, and more.
With Gale OneFile: Science, researchers can remain current with the latest scientific developments in particle physics, advanced mathematics, nanotechnology, geology, and hundreds of other areas. Full-text, non-embargoed journals are covered; updated daily, this collection includes articles to satisfy almost every scientific inquiry. Key subjects covered include the biological sciences, computing, engineering, and technology.
The SCImago Journal & Country Rank is a portal that includes the journals and country scientific indicators developed from the information contained in the Scopus® database (Elsevier B.V.). These indicators can be used to assess and analyze scientific domains.
This platform takes its name from the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) indicatorpdf, developed by SCImago from the widely known algorithm Google PageRank™. This indicator shows the visibility of the journals contained in the Scopus® database from 1996.
SCImago is a research group from the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), University of Granada, Extremadura, Carlos III (Madrid) and Alcalá de Henares, dedicated to information analysis, representation and retrieval by means of visualisation techniques.
As well as SJR Portal, SCImago has developed The Atlas of Science project, which proposes the creation of an information system whose major aim is to achieve a graphic representation of IberoAmerican Science Research. Such representation is conceived as a collection of interactive maps, allowing navigation functions throughout the semantic spaces formed by the maps.
an abstracts and citations database of peer-reviewed literature. It allows for discovery of articles, as well as cited reference searching (number of times an article has been cited). It indexes nearly 23,000 peer-reviewed journals (including open access journals), trade journals, book series, conference proceedings, and pa-tents. Scopus is multidisciplinary, covering life and health sciences, agriculture, environment, engineering, technology, social sciences, landscape architecture, urban planning, and more.
This collection includes Scribner literature titles that focus on different aspects of world and genre literature. World literature titles include African Writers, Latin American Writers, Ancient Writers, and more. Genre titles include Mystery and Suspense Writers, Science Fiction Writers, Writers for Young Adults, and more.
allows the identification and annotation of genetically mobile domains and the analysis of domain architectures. More than 500 domain families found in signalling, extracellular and chromatin-associated proteins are detectable. These domains are extensively annotated with respect to phyletic distributions, functional class, tertiary structures and functionally important residues. Each domain found in a non-redundant protein database as well as search parameters and taxonomic information are stored in a relational database system. User interfaces to this database allow searches for proteins containing specific combinations of domains in defined taxa.
A portal to the UK's largest collection of information on social work and social care. You can find everything from research briefings, to reports, government documents, journal articles, events and websites. Updated daily.
Experiments is a new research solution developed by Springer Nature to connect researchers with the most relevant and important protocols and methods to support their research projects.
We are bringing together the largest available collection of protocols and methods proven to create results, with content from: Nature Methods, Nature Protocols, SpringerProtocols and Protocols Exchange.
Before presenting their oral arguments, counsel for both sides will submit a legal brief summarizing the facts of the case as well as the legal reasoning behind their arguments. Cases set for hearing during the current Supreme Court term, for which FindLaw has online versions of briefs, are listed below in alphabetical order by case name.
is a fully automated protein structure homology-modeling server, accessible via the ExPASy web server, or from the program DeepView (Swiss Pdb-Viewer). The purpose of this server is to make Protein Modelling accessible to all biochemists and molecular biologists worldwide.
Provides descriptions of the rich archival, manuscript, and museum collections in repositories across the state which are available to the public. Consists of the collection descriptions or "finding aids" that archives, libraries, and museums create to assist users in locating information in their collections. Consider these an extended table of contents which describe unique materials only available at the individual repositories. In most cases, the collections themselves are NOT available online.
includes the Advanced Technology & Aerospace, Materials Science & Engineering, and Military Databases, and provides full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications. The database includes specialized, editorially-curated A&I resources addressing the latest advancements in technologies that affect industry, government, society, and citizens around the world.
The Texas Digital Library (TDL) provides a digital infrastructure for the scholarly activities of Texas universities. This link goes to UTMB's repository on TDL.
A collection of digitized maps that provides detailed property and land-use records that depicts the architecture of more than 12,000 U.S. towns and cities throughout the past one hundred years.
Resources with the computer screen icon must be used in person at the Texas State Law Library. However,
Resources marked with the Library card icon are available for remote access with a Texas State Law Library card. Library cards are available:
Contains records for selected printed and web-based compilations of thermochemical and thermophysical data for chemical compounds and other substances. You can select one or more compound types and link them to one or more property terms, and ThermoDex will return a list of handbooks that could contain these data. Please note that, due to copyright and technical considerations, the actual data are NOT contained in ThermoDex. Full records include title, a brief abstract explaining the work's scope and arrangement, the properties included, types of compounds included, as well as publisher and date. Web-based datasets are linked via their URLs.
ThermoDex is based primarily on the holdings of the Mallet Chemistry Library at the University of Texas at Austin. Check your local library catalog for availability of these sources at your own institution.
ATSDR serves the public by using the best science, taking responsive public health actions, and providing trusted health information to prevent harmful exposures and diseases related to toxic substances.
The Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) compiles the data on toxic chemical releases and waste management activities reported annually by certain industries as well as federal facilities and makes it available through downloadable files and several data access tools. The goal of TRI is to provide communities with information about toxic chemical releases and waste management activities and to support informed decision making at all levels by industry, government, non-governmental organizations, and the public. TRI contains information on releases of nearly 650 chemicals and chemical categories from industries including manufacturing, metal and coal mining, electric utilities, and commercial hazardous waste treatment, among others.
Twayne's Author Series is devoted to in-depth critical introductions to the lives and works of major writers of the world within the context of the time period in which they lived. This online series features the content of more than 600 books that comprise three print series --United States Authors, English Authors and World Authors--and is an ideal starting point for research papers on literary works and figures, special projects and presentations. Users can quickly gain results by searching for a specific author, combining search criteria for a more complex search, or exploring thematic and chronological topics.
Includes more than 52,000 poems drawn from 750 volumes of poetry by over 300 American poets.
594 volumes of 20th century English poetry are easily accessed by this database. Includes poetry in English by poets from outside the British Isles, as well as significant translations of non-English poetry. Many contemporary writers of America's 80s and 90s are represented
Gale OneFile: U.S. History provides access to scholarly journals and magazines useful to researchers. Updated daily, this resource offers balanced coverage of events in U.S. history and scholarly work established in the field.
University of California Santa Cruz Genome Browswer
Includes a broad collection of vertebrate and model organism assemblies and annotations, along with a large suite of tools for viewing, analyzing and downloading data., the Internet edition of the Ulrich's Periodical Directory, contains a quarter-million records, including academic and scholarly journals, monographic series, electronic publications, consumer and trade magazines, newsletters, newspapers, zines, and many other types of serial publications -- whether it's published regularly or irregularly, and whether it's an active, ceased or forthcoming title.
The database consists includes information about all US patents (including utility, design, reissue, plant patents and SIR documents) from the first patent issued in 1790 to the most recent issue week.
Patents from January 1976 to the present offer the full searchable text, including all bibliographic data, such as the inventor's name, the patent's title, and the assignee's name; the abstract; the full description of the invention; and the claims. The display of each patent's full-text includes a hyperlink to obtain full-page images of each page of the patent. Information from Certificates of Correction and Reexaminations is not included in the full-text database per se, but can be found as pages attached to the full-page images of the original patent.
Patents from 1790 to December 1975 offer only the patent number and the current US patent classification in the text display, and can be searched only by those fields. However, this limited text display also includes a hyperlink to obtain full-page images of each page of the patent.
UTMB's institutional repository, SHARED is an online community space for Scholarship, Historical Archives, Repository, & Electronic Dissertations. This digital service is an important tool for preserving the organization’s legacy and facilitating scholarly communication.
UTMB Research Profiles is a searchable database of expertise across all disciplines at UTMB. This research networking tool is powered by Elsevier Fingerprint Engine, which scans and analyzes every publication in Scopus, the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, to produce a fingerprint of each author’s expertise. The expertise profiles generated in this way reveal connections between authors and research projects and make it easier for researchers to form collaborations for future work and funding opportunities.
Gale OneFile: Vocations and Careers provides access to journals and magazines that aid users in researching a vocation, finding an appropriate institution of learning, job searching, and maintaining a career. The database offers hundreds of current and applicable periodicals, from general career guides to highly specialized industry journals.
Gale OneFile: War and Terrorism gives researchers valuable insight into conflicts and their causes, impact, and perception on a global scale. This definitive collection for analysts, risk management professionals, and students of military science, history, and social science is comprised of more than 200 subject-appropriate, full-text periodicals that are updated daily.
contains over 5000 images with text that demonstrate gross and microscopic pathologic findings along with radiologic imaging associated with human disease conditions.
Updated regularly. Free access to a segment of the World Development Indicators (WDI) database, an extensive collection of data about development. This segment includes 54 timeseries indicators for 208 countries and 18 groups, spanning 5 years (1997 to 2001). You can choose several ways of displaying the data: index, percentage change, and graphs, and can export the result in standard formats.
Gale OneFile: World History provides access to scholarly journals and magazines useful researchers. The database offers balanced coverage of events in world history and scholarly work established in the field.
Updated daily. It is the union catalog of materials held by OCLC libraries. The world's most comprehensive bibliography. Includes information on the holdings of the world's libraries. Over 43 million records, in over 400 languages, that contain holdings information, and other information vital to collection development, cataloging, authority control, and retrospective conversion services. Uses the Library of Congress Subject Headings as its Thesaurus. Many records in the web version include images and tables.
Updated daily. It is a customized for local access to the union catalog of materials held by OCLC libraries. The world's most comprehensive bibliography. Includes information on the holdings of the world's libraries. Over 43 million records, in over 400 languages, that contain holdings information, and other information vital to collection development, cataloging, authority control, and retrospective conversion services. Uses the Library of Congress Subject Headings as its Thesaurus. Many records in the web version include images and tables.
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) monitors priority health-risk behaviors and the prevalence of obesity and asthma among youth and young adults.
Alternate Name(s)
Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature
Covers nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines. Indexes over 650 journal titles, audiovisual materials, computer programs, dissertations, books and book chapters.
Alternate Name(s)
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, DARE, CENTRAL
Consists of the latest, up-to-date full-text of all reviews and protocols prepared by the Cochrane Collaboration, an international review group dedicated to preparing and maintaining evidenced-based materials on clinical topics.
Bibliographic access and descriptions of tests, manuals, rating scales and other instruments used to assess health and behavior.
HaPI does not offer access to the test instruments themselves, but includes citations to freestanding instruments as well as instruments that have only appeared in journal or technical reports (published and unpublished). Copyright permission is needed to use any of the instruments found in HaPI.
Interactive online access via to over 50 textbooks on core/fundamental topics, plus procedural videos, images, real-life case studies, and quiz banks for medical and health science students and practitioners. Includes Bates' Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 12e, and Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 8e.
This utility allows you to start with the unique identifier for an article that is in PMC (PubMed Central) in order to find additional unique identifiers that may apply to the article, such as:
PMID (from PubMed)
PMCID (from PMC)
Manuscript ID (from a manuscript submission system, e.g., NIHMS, Europe PMC, PMC Canada)
DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
Note that not every article will have all of these identifiers. A Manuscript ID will be available for an article that was added to PMC via the NIHMS or similar submission system. A DOI will be available if the article was assigned a DOI by its publisher.
If you look up an ID for an article that is not in PMC, you will receive an "Identifier not found in PMC" message.
an abstracts and citations database of peer-reviewed literature. It allows for discovery of articles, as well as cited reference searching (number of times an article has been cited). It indexes nearly 23,000 peer-reviewed journals (including open access journals), trade journals, book series, conference proceedings, and pa-tents. Scopus is multidisciplinary, covering life and health sciences, agriculture, environment, engineering, technology, social sciences, landscape architecture, urban planning, and more.
This is a set of three ebook titles from the American Society for Microbiology:
• Cases in Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 4th Edition
• Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook, 4th Edition
• Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 12th Edition
Provides interactive drawing tools to help visualize and annotate anatomical diagrams and structures. Content includes interactive tutorials, flashcards, videos, and a question bank.