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Searching the Older Literature

Index-Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office

The Index-Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General’s Office (Index-Catalogue) is a multi-part printed bibliography or list of items in the Library of the Surgeon-General’s Office, U.S. Army. It contains material dated from the 1400s through 1950 and is an important resource for researchers in the history of medicine, history of science, and for clinical research. 

Features of the Index-Catalogue

  • Reflects the collection of a single library, the Library of the Surgeon-General’s Office, U. S. Army, and is not a bibliography of all existing material.
  • Published in 5 series in 61 volumes from 1880-1961.
  • Contains material dated from the 15th through the 20th centuries.
  • Primarily journal articles, books, dissertations, pamphlets, and reports.
  • Also covers newspaper clippings, case studies, obituary notices, letters, portraits, rare books and manuscripts
  • Contains two sub-alphabets under each subject heading that lists books from A-Z and journal articles in a separate A-Z arrangement.
  • Last publication year for journal articles is 1949 but represents only those articles indexed with subject headings from A-Mn.
    • 4th series is incomplete: ends with v.11, alphabet through Mn.
    • 5th series coverage ends with 1950 imprints.
    • 5th series contains no journal articles. 

What is Index Cat?

IndexCat is a digitized version of the printed Index-Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office, a multi-part printed bibliography or list of items in the Library of the Surgeon General's Office, U.S. Army. It contains material dated from the 1400s through 1950 and is an important resource for researchers in the history of medicine or science.


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Searching Index Cat

To perform a search type the word(s) you want to search in the IndexCat™ search box. Click on the Search button. The database will also ‘stem’ your search words. Stemming removes suffixes such as ‘-ing,’ ‘-ed,’ ‘-en,’ and ‘s.’


  • A search on “coughing” will also retrieve any results that include the word “cough”.
  • A search on “pill” will also retrieve results containing the term “pills”.

IndexCat™ simultaneously searches Index-Catalogue, eTKeVK2, LocatorPlus®, PubMed®, and PubMed Central®.

Once you enter a search term, the Index-Catalogue, eTKeVK2, LocatorPlus, PubMed and PubMed Central tabs will be displayed. To see your search results, click on the respective tabs. Search terms are highlighted in the results.

The Boolean operators ‘OR’, ‘NOT’, ‘-’, ‘+’, and ‘?’ may be used in your query. Using ‘AND’ is not necessary as IndexCat™ combines terms with an ‘AND’ by default.

Email, Export, Print

To email or export records from IndexCat™, perform your search and select some or all of the 10 records displayed. Go to the next page(s), and repeat the process until you have selected all of the records that you want. At the top right side of page under Actions, is an option to either email or export the selected records. Underneath Actions, is a list of formats to export including HTML, TEXT, and XML.

The select records option is not available when printing records as all printing is performed by selecting File - Print in the browser.

Other Indexes

Medical literature prior to 1950 must be searched by hand through print indexes. This guide provides a description and time period covered by available indexes.

Index Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General’s Office- is a multi-part printed bibliography or list of items in the Library of the Surgeon-General’s Office, U.S. Army.


Index Medicus was edited by John Shaw Billings, covers journals, books and pamphlets.  It is arranged by subject with author indexes. IM is intended to supplement the Index-Catalog and contains some unique information not in the Index-Catalog.


Quarterly Cumulative Index to Current Literature- Published by the AMA, includes journals, lists of new books, publishers, new government publications.  Alphabetical dictionary arrangement.


Quarterly Cumulative Index Medicus -Published by the AMA and Carnegie Institute includes journal articles, books and publishers in dictionary arrangement.


Current List of Medical Literature-Published by the Army Medical Library. Journal articles indexed; table of contents arrangement with author, subject indexes; use jointly with QCIM since journal coverage is not the same; 1957-59 the only index.


Science Citation Index- The Science Citation Index (SCI®) provides access to bibliographic information, author abstracts, and cited references   found in 3,700 of the world's leading scholarly science and technical journals covering more than 100 disciplines. Searchable by Citation, Corporate or Source.


Social Sciences Citation Index- The Social Sciences Citation Index® (SSCI®)  provides access to bibliographic information, author abstracts, and cited references found in over 1,700 of the world's leading scholarly social sciences journals covering more than 50 disciplines.

