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Managing NIH Public Access Compliance

Method A

Method A

Journal publisher deposits the published version of all NIH-funded articles in PMC.

Over 800 Open Access journals will automatically submit the final published article to PubMed Central (PMC).

No author involvement is required.

Method B

Author asks journal publisher to deposit published version of specific NIH-funded article in PMC. 

Author can make arrangements with these publishers to deposit the published version of the article in PMC without further action from the author.

Publishers usually charge a fee for this service. 

Method C

Method C

Author submits final peer-reviewed manuscript with tables, etc. to PMC via the NIH Manuscript System (NIHMS).

At submission, NIHMS emails a PDF Receipt & summary of what has been submitted  to the author. Author must confirm submission for processing to begin. The NIHMSID is assigned.

When the processing is complete, the Author will be asked to review and approve the PMC-formatted manuscript.

Method D

Method D

Journal publisher submits final peer-reviewed manuscript with tables, etc. to PMC via the NIH Manuscript System (NIHMS). See list of Method D Journals.

NIHMS emails to author a PDF Receipt & summary of what has been submitted. Author is notified to review and approve the PMC-formatted manuscript when it’s ready

Deposit into PubMed Central

PMCID assigned